dear Commandress,

I grew up in York, Pennsylvania. My high school sweetheart was a beautiful girl. She was extremely intelligent and yeah, you guessed it, she became more and more alpha as we grew older.

We started dating in seventh grade and we were together through college. In the bedroom she pushed my boundaries. I fought her off and resisted for so long but she was persistent and eventually she won.  She did things to me and had me doing things I never would have imagined doing.

She insisted on playing with my ass. I fought her off for weeks and then months. It was literally a power struggle. I was the starting football running back and outside linebacker. I was a macho Alpha, the leader of the team, etc...

I’ll be damned if a woman’s gonna stick a dildo up my ass! However, she found her way. She started by licking the back of my knees. She would suck my toes and loosen me up. And over the course of those months, she would slowly start pushing the boundaries, and before long she was sticking her fingers, her toys, and her fist up there. She eventually got a strap on dildo and you know the rest.

She made me wear panties. She would snowball me with cum. She’d sit on my face and give me a golden shower afterwards. This was a high school girl in the 90’s! I hear girls do that stuff today but they didn’t do that back then. She had to be one of the first.

Fast-forward to today and I never found another one like her.

Brett, 45 years old

Porsche Executive USA

Dear Commandress,

I am married and have been for 18 years. We started dating 21 years ago. She is the only woman I’ve ever had sex with. I love her but we haven’t had sex for months and do so sporadically. I’d like to say there is a real reason for it beyond myself but there isn’t. The truth is deep down I hunger for new experiences she can’t give me. I don’t indulge in those cravings because doing so would be needlessly hurtful to her and detrimental for the otherwise wonderful life we have together.

When asked for a confession, I’d have to say that my fantasy is for shared emotional and physical intimacy with another woman where we are both discovering each other with excited curiosity and desire. Where we taste and touch each other feeding off of the other’s energy in that moment, almost to the point where we get lost in who is pleasing and who is being pleasured. My fantasy is feeling that state of absolute connectivity and self and mutual learning.

When I think back on all my more tactile physical desires (oral, various positions, etc.) what unifies them all, what I cum hardest and most completely to is the imagined feeling of what I just described. That is my confession.

And I will add sending this in its honest rawness scares me and has my heart pounding but you were so beautifully honest and open about your life, I didn’t want to hold back with you.  

Jordan, 42, New York

Public Relations Director

Dear Darkness,

You Tube verbal confession Link.

Jimmy, 55, California