The Commandress

Welcome brave man. I’m happy you found me. I am an earthy, playful, sensual woman.

After years of guiding men I gained knowledge about their needs. I extend permission for them to feel and sense their body wisdom through developing emotional intelligence –strengthening their intuition through surrender and exploration. .

Many of us have enormous shame and guilt that hides our needs and prevents us from balancing the masculine and feminine within us. We have to go into uncharted territory.

The Commandress activates the mind and body, ushering men to a darker side of themselves where shame or guilt prevented them from going; a process that is made fun, healing and inspiring.

In order to find the Commandress in me, I needed to dismantle: codependency, unworthiness and people-pleasing – along with the shame I felt about my body and sexuality. Curiosity and selfishness was bad. Submission was feminine. These were some of the lies exposed through my alchemy of change.

I discovered my sensuality as my Spirit. My dominant masculine side as the Commandress.

Today, I share the knowledge men wish to gain about feminine sexuality and the intimate things men usually keep to themselves. This is why men often refer to me as a sex therapist.

With a masters degree in Alternative Medicine and life experience that nobody else has lived – I serve as a guide who speaks with heart and soul –to inspire you to new heights. A penetration that begins with a soothing voice rooted in a bold, gentle, firm, playful nature.

You Need The Commandress

If you need help discovering your needs and want to explore what it means to be a man beyond your current definition it’s no surprise you found me.

If you need support through a divorce or want to attract your soulmate I’m happy you found a safe place to explore yourself.

You’re ready to reprogram your mind and body and become the new model of man who lives authentically.

As an expert in transformation, I understand the process. How difficult it can be to shift your relationship to your emotions, face change, end relationships, eat healthy, meditate and get comfortable with your sexuality. Being authentic takes work.

I offer time by phone for you to speak candidly. One call, monthly calls, or a 90 day program is available depending on your needs.

In order to book the first call you must know the Commandress has high standards and holds credibility, reliability and transparency as staples in the connections she creates with men.

What you provide for me financially helps me to invest in the work that I do and the goals that I have to create live events teaching emotional intelligence to men through a sensory experience – giving them the opportunity to feel vulnerable and sense unsaid cues through body wisdom – to better understand feminine sexuality and its true embodiment.

Intimacy is vulnerability. Are you ready to go there?